Building Character, Revealing Intelligence, Cultivating Godliness, and Reaching for Excellence.

Life @ WHOPA
Sharing Joy

As a generous display of love and compassion, Worshipers House of Prayer Academy continues to host its monthly Farm Share Community Food Distribution serving over 200 families in need across North Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Shores, and surrounding areas.
Emulating the teachings of Jesus, students and faculty unite to serve the community, distributing essential items with beaming smiles. The experience not only touches lives month after month but also leaves a lasting impact on young hearts, igniting a passion for selfless service.
5th-8th grade students and teachers participated in what has now become one of our main service learning opportunities. Service to others is one of our core values and teaching our students how to serve and lead as Christ did helps us to fulfill our mission to empower our students to impact their world for Christ. Activities such as this one also teaches them empathy, generosity, care for humanity, servant leadership, Christian discipleship, love for others and the list continues.
The items we distribute monthly vary, but in this instance, we delivered essential food items in the form of produce and grocery items.
In service to humanity, we continue to prove that simple acts of kindness can shape character and build a brighter future.