Building Character, Revealing Intelligence, Cultivating Godliness, and Reaching for Excellence.

Statement of Faith
- We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and inerrant in the original writing, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life.
- We believe in the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
- We believe that God has made His son, Jesus Christ, the supreme head of the church, and the Body of Christ shall carry no other name than that of Jesus.
- We believe that all things were created by God. Man was created in the image of God, but became separated by sin. Every person's biological gender was purposefully ordained by God, and He ordained for marriage to be a union exclusively between one man and one woman.
- We believe that man is redeemed by grace, through faith in Christ’s vicarious atonement for sins, the shedding of blood on the cross.
- We believe that the gift of eternal life is available to all men, that those who receive Christ by faith have the opportunity to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues, and thereby become children of God.
- We believe in the leading and teaching of the five-fold ministry.
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, the imminent return of Christ and the resurrection of his people.
- We believe that the Body of Christ will produce overcomers who will form the bride of Christ.