Building Character, Revealing Intelligence, Cultivating Godliness, and Reaching for Excellence.

Why should I choose WHOP Academy?
Worshipers’ House of Prayer Academy is a school that God has instituted for this generation of emerging leaders. Today, values have been shifted in such a way that education and high achievement have become less and less of a priority for our youth. If this continues, the end result will be a generation with relatively nothing to offer of themselves but ignorance, resentment, and discouragement.
WHOP Academy is a school placed by the Lord to lead students to a quality life through the preservation of moral values, discipline and biblical standards which enable them to receive and retain the quality education that they are given. WHOP Academy is made of a caring family-like staff, has a safe environment and teaches life skills that develop students’ God given abilities and talents to propel them toward their purpose.
What is Accreditation, and is Worshipers’ House of Prayer Academy accredited?
Accreditation is the process of self-study and evaluation of an educational facility by an outside professional society that has a set of quality standards to be adhered to by all schools that bear its name as accrediting agency.
It is a multi-faceted process with many requirements and Worshipers’ House of Prayer Academy is now in the preliminary stages of the process. Worshipers’ House of Prayer is a member school of ACSI and is diligently working towards accreditation.
What is the cost of tuition?
The cost of tuition varies between grades K-3, 4-8, and 9. Please refer to the tuition and fees schedule insert.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes! Discounts are available to members of the Worshipers’ House of Prayer Church, School Board, Faculty and parents of 2 students or more. See the tuition and fees insert for details.
Is tuition assistance available?
Yes! Worshipers’ House of Prayer is a participant in the CTC program and accepts the following need-based scholarships offered by the local government: Step Up For Students, McKay Scholarships & Carrie Meek Scholarship. We also participate in the John McKay scholarships program.
What other charges should we expect?
All parents should expect a first time applicant Registration & Testing Fee, book fees, Activities Fee (If Applicable), Field Trip Fee, Field Trip Shirt Fee, Graduation Fee (If Applicable), & Athletic Participation Fee(s) (If Applicable). Any additional fees can be found on the “Tuition & Fees” insert.
What is your discipline structure like?
All happenings of our school in regards to discipline must be handled according to policies and procedures outlined in our discipline plan. In addition, all teachers are required to have a class-wide discipline plan including actions and corresponding consequences as well as an established reward system.
Worshipers’ House of Prayer has a zero tolerance for fighting, profanity, bullying and defamation/disrespect towards authority. We seek to maintain a Godly, respectful and safe environment conducive to learning for each child. For more information regarding structure of discipline, please refer to the school discipline plan within the Parent & Student Handbook.
Do you enroll children under 5 years of age?
Yes! WHOP Academy enrolls 4 year old students into the Kindergarten program. However, financial assistance in the form of the Step Up For Students Scholarship is not available to students less than 5 years old.
Is transportation offered?
Yes! Transportation is available through a third-party transportation service. Families who participate are responsible for payment directly to the transportation service. Fees are established by the company. Fees start at $30/week per child, and depend on proximity to the school. Ask about additional child discounts. See the insert for transportation services to our school enclosed.
What type of uniform are kids required to wear?
All students are required to wear uniform on campus at all times. Uniforms are to be clean and student well groomed at all times. Information regarding specific school uniforms can be found in our Parent & Student Handbook and/or the uniform information insert within this packet.
Do you offer extended-care?
Yes! For your convenience, we offer an after-school care program for elementary students from 3:45-6:00PM. Families who wish to participate must submit an ‘After-School Care’ registration form to the school office by the second week of school.
Participating families are required to pay a small fee of $7 per week on a bi-weekly basis. Families will receive a $2 discount for each additional child.
Parents are expected to pick up their children on time. Parents who consistently leave their children after hours will be asked to withdraw their children from the After-Care program, and will incur additional charges.
How long is the school day?
The school day begins at 8:15 AM and ends at 3:40 PM for all grades.
What is the nature of your lunch program?
We offer free/reduced breakfast and lunch to all eligible families.
What type of enrichment/Extra-curricular programs do you offer?
Programs currently offered by our school are as follows:
Dance, Music, Art, Drama, Speech and Debate, Step, Special Interest Clubs & Sports/Athletic Programs
What type of sports do you offer?
Girls’ volleyball, girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, boys’ flag football, and track. Most sports are provided on a high interest basis. This means that available sports are dependent upon student interest.
How early can I bring my child to school?
Each morning, the campus is opened to students by 7:00 AM. Parent volunteers are encouraged to assist in before-care.
How well must I do on the diagnostic test to be admitted?
Grades 3-11 must obtain at least 70% on pre-admission diagnostic test to be considered for admission. Grade 2 may receive a reading test to determine instructional reading level and will be placed accordingly. Grades K-1 will not take an entrance exam.
Do you offer a special needs program that excludes special needs students from the regular classroom?
All special needs students are mainstreamed into the regular classroom. However, special accommodations based upon each student’s specific needs are made to ensure that the student makes progress. In addition to in class accommodations, our special needs students with current evaluations with the district are eligible to receive additional services and resources. Our staff does all that we can to ensure that our special needs students are excelling significantly.
What are your teachers’ qualifications?
All of our teachers are required to be born-again Christians who are able to model Christ to their students. All full-time teachers are also required to hold a bachelor’s degree or more and a valid teaching certificate.
What kind of curriculum do you use?
We use a combination of the best Christian and secular publishers such as Abeka, ACSI, Bob Jones, Houghton-Mifflin, Saxon Math, and a few others.
How many students are in each class?
We have an average of 16 students in each class.
Do you have a cafeteria?
We currently do not have a cafeteria. Students eat in their classrooms.We are in the process of establishing an outdoor eating area.
What actual subjects do you teach?
We teach Bible, Mathematics, English, Writing, Reading & Phonics, Handwriting, Science, Art, Music, Life Skills, Speech & Debate, Spanish, History, Geography, Spelling, PE, and technology.
What happens after I submit my application?
After your application is submitted, please allow up to 10 days for review and follow-up. Shortly after, you will receive correspondence requesting a student/parent interview (if applicable) and will be notified once the application review process has been completed.
What would cause my application to be denied?
Applications are accepted based on our Admission Committee’s evaluation of your child’s success at our school. If after careful evaluation of your application including grades, recommendations and family interview, it is determined that our school would be of little or no benefit to your child, we would kindly refer you to another institution that would better address your child’s needs.
How are you affiliated with the local church?
Worshipers’ House of Prayer Academy is a ministry of the non-denominational Worshipers’ House of Prayer Church, located on the school campus.